iPad用幾天之後的感想 - by iPhone4.TW http://iphone4.tw/forums/files/iPad-01.jpg 吉米知道很多人在等吉米的使用心得分享,的確,吉米在沒用個幾天的狀況下,甚至在完全還沒摸過的狀況下,我是不會隨便亂猜測的,畢竟水果幫的東西就是這樣,「你沒有親自拿在手上感受過,千萬不要妄下斷語 ...
Jailbreak & Cydia @ 傻瓜狐狸的雜碎物品 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 相信有在JB的朋友最習慣使用的快捷選單是 SBSetting 但這一部份其實有個小小的問題 SBSetting 在 LockScream 的狀態下...反應頗差 大多時候的狀況是反應太慢...有時甚至不反應在使用上頗為苦手 前幾天在亂翻 Cydia 時意外找到可補強的APP...於是寫篇文分享給 ...
Cydia download for iPad 1 You can download Cydia for iPad 1 running iOS 5.1.1 with Redsn0w, Absinthe, Sn0wbreeze. Step guides are available with all details of the jailbreaking tools ... Higher support iOS version for iPad 1 is iOS 5.1.1. ( ) There is no way to upgrade iOS up to i
ipad mini ram cydia - 相關部落格
'iDOS' - A Full Featured Universal DOS Emulator That Somehow Got Approved [UPDATE: Windows Installed Glad I grabbed it when I did.. it was pretty obvious that Apple would pull this. Anyway, I got my old favorite management game 'Detroit' working perfectly on the iPad.. (though the mouse is a bit janky) For those that didn't get their hands on iDOS.. this
iPad Air vs iPad mini with Retina display tech specs We recently published the tech specs for the iPad mini with Retina display versus the original iPad mini. Many of you were curious to see how the new iPad ... both offer a 128gb option so that’s irrelevant. the issue really is size and portability. i had
iphone,ipad and ipod JailBreak Updates | Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 through iOS 8 jailbreak | Tootls and gu All iphone, ipad, ipod users waiting for good news about iOS 8.0.2 Cydia Download and iOS 8.0.2 jailbreak, In this week apple software developers release iOS 8.0.2 version with more improvements. After release failed iOS 8.0.1 version, iPhone 6 & iPhone 6
Helpfull Cydia Tweak that allows you to free up Memory ... Appswiper - Helpfull Cydia Tweak that allows you to free up Memory! .... To Free Up Memory On Your iPhone ...
How to Speed Up iOS 7 on iPhone 4/4S and iPad 2, 3, 4 ... If you're running iOS 7 on iPhone 4/4S or iPad 2, 3, 4 and iPad Mini, chances are high ... Naturally, this eats up a lot of memory when you run multiple apps that ...
Auto kill apps /free RAM on iOS 7 jb - SiNfuL iPhone Auto kill apps /free RAM on iOS 7 jb Cydia Apps Discussion. ... this ram problem as I have an iPad mini and it has ram issues causing it to crash ...